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The Role of Fitness Equipment

Jul. 02, 2018

Developed muscles, growth force

The human body has 639 skeletal muscles. The average male's muscle weight accounts for about 40.45 percent of the body weight, and women account for about 35 percent of the body weight. The body's movement organs, which are composed of muscles, bones, joints, and ligaments, enable the body to perform various complex movements. In other words, all kinds of movements produced by the human body originate from the contraction and extension of skeletal muscles.

Device fitness is a way to exercise muscles. Because regular exercise in the equipment fitness can increase the thickening of muscle fibers and the increase of capillaries in the muscles, so as to increase the physiological cross section of the muscles and make the muscles more firm, full and developed. At the same time, due to the improvement of the regulatory function of the central nervous system, the muscles will also be more robust. Not only that, the fitness of the device can also promote the metabolism of the bones and improve their properties such as compressive strength, tensile strength, and torsional resistance. In addition, it also has a good promoting effect on the growth and development of joints and ligaments.

Muscles are made up of fine muscle fibers. Muscle fibers are again based on myofibrils. The number of muscle fibers in the human body is generally set at four or five months after birth, but the myofibrils are relatively variable. In the fitness process of the device, repeated and strong stimulation can increase the synthesis of protein, the basic component of muscle fibers. These proteins, in turn, can synthesize new myofibrils, which increase the thickness of muscle fibers, which is the increase in muscle mass.

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