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The Principles of Use The Tourniquets

Sep. 28, 2018

Let's take a look at the principles of use the tourniquets.

1. The tourniquet should completely stop arterial (moving away from the heart) blood flow.

2. Larger limbs need keeping more pressure.

3. As tourniquet width increases, required pressure increases.

4. Put a medical tourniquet approximately two inches in the wound, if capable.repositioning may be necessary, if the chosen location proves to be unsuccessful. Make certain that it is applied upstream between the wound and the heart.

5. Apply with as much direct skin contact as possible to reduce chances of the clothing causing the tourniquet to slide.

6. Record the time of application for EMS, write it to the limb itself in near proximity.

7. If EMS is considerably delayed, cooling the limb with ice/cold packs (or exposing it to a cold environment) may decrease tissue damage.


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